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On behalf of the SACCMA Executive Committee we have the pleasure to announce that SACCMA2023 will take place from 9 to 11 October 2023 in Potchefstroom, South Africa. This time we are partnering with Separations to co-host the conference.


Following the great success of the 2022 conference, SACCMA members unanimously agreed to have a follow-up conference in 2023.  Hereafter SACCMA conferences will be biennial. The conference will cover specialised and advanced cell-based models, microphysiological systems, bioengineering, bioprinting and stem cell cultures.


As in the inaugural conference in 2022, we have invited local and international keynote speakers to enrich our knowledge and to facilitate opportunities for collaboration.


Visit for more details of our confirmed speakers, the preliminary programme, and more information about the conference.


On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to submit your abstract for SACCMA2023!


Additional workshop

Separations will host workshops on 10 October 2023, showcasing techniques, skills and technology to support your advanced cell culture research, with various specialists present to answer questions.


Specific topics included in the program


  • Microphysiological systems

  • Novel advanced cell culture models

  • Biological, toxicology and pharmaceutical application of advanced cell models

  • Emerging technologies in advanced cell modelling, including new scaffold and bioprinting technology

  • New iPSC technology and applications

  • Tissue engineering


Young Scientist Competition


All students presenting will qualify for the Best Oral and Best Poster presentation awards sponsored by Merck, with cash prizes to be won!


Submission guidelines


Submission deadline: 31 July 2023  23 August !!!


Submissions will be reviewed by a scientific panel and feedback will be given by 1 September 2023.


Abstract book


Abstracts invited for oral and poster presentations at the conference will be included in the abstract book for the conference and will be published on the conference website.


Please use the following submission portal to submit your abstract for the Separations-SACCMA conference 2023:


  • Register on the Oxford Abstract site

  • Start a new submission and follow the guidelines

  • The topic of your abstract should align with at least one of the main themes of the conference as stated above

  • Your abstract title will be limited to 100 characters

  • Your abstract will be limited to 300 words

  • One figure may be included in your abstract

  • You may include a head & shoulders photograph of yourself as indicated on the template


Should your abstract be accepted, the Oral and Poster Presentation guidelines will be supplied.


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